Scilab is a free scientific software package for numerical computation and graphical visualization. Scilab是一个用来进行数值计算和图形可视化呈现的免费科学软件包。
GNU Octave is a high-level language for numerical computation that uses gnuplot as its graphical engine. GNUOctave是一种用来进行数值计算的高级语言,它使用gnuplot作为自己的图形引擎。
For example, does the tool provide a language for numerical computation? 例如,某个工具是否为进行数值计算而提供了一种语言?
Firstly, the definition of CIE tristimulus values and their numerical computation methods are reviewed. 首先回顾了国际照明委员会三刺激值的基本定义及其数值计算方法;
Using numerical computation of fluid flow, the coefficients of vertical force, lateral force and rolling moment caused by cross-wind were calculated, which were related to train speed and wind speed. 采用流场数值模拟计算方法,计算了横风作用时的垂向气动升力系数、气动横向力系数和侧滚力矩系数,得出各系数与车辆速度和风速之间的变化关系。
Then the displacement and acceleration responses during buffering were figured out through numerical computation. 然后利用数值方法得到了缓冲过程的位移响应和加速度响应;
Methodology of numerical computation for elastoplastic deformation of clay 黏土弹塑性变形的数值模拟方法研究
The attenuated law of flow field inside the nozzle block of the air jet vortex spinning is investigated by the method of numerical computation. 通过数值计算对喷气涡流纺喷嘴内部流场衰减规律进行探讨。
Numerical computation of aerodynamic drag coefficient for high temperature particles 高温固体颗粒气动阻力系数数值计算
Numerical Computation and Analysis of Observational Data of Tide-induced Residual Currents and Wind-driven Currents in Beibu Bay 北部湾潮致余流和风生海流的数值计算与实测资料分析平潮(期),静流
Monte Carlo Method is a good approach for three-dimensional numerical computation of the sediments in pumping station forebay. 为获得较好的流态,泵站前池中常设有整流底坎、导流墩、隔墩,泵站前池内的水流泥沙运动是一种复杂的三维运动。
Dispersive theory and numerical computation of the acoustic-gravity wave in two-layer model 声-重力波在两层大气模型中的频散理论和数值计算
Finally, a numerical computation is given to illustrate the properties and rules of the model. 最后,通过算例对该模型的性质和规律作进一步分析。
It ensures that solutions are kinematically admissible and that difficulties about numerical computation do not appear. 既能保证所求解是运动许可的,又能保证不出现数值计算上的困难;
Experimental Investigation and Numerical Computation of Methane Combustion and Explosion Suppressed by Vapor 水蒸气抑制甲烷燃烧和爆炸实验研究与数值计算
This paper deals with experimental and numerical computation analysis of the critical heat flux ( CHF) occurrence at the conditions of subcooled boiling flow in rod bundles with grid spacers. 本文采用实验和数值计算分析相结合的方法,研究了带定位格架棒束通道内过冷流动沸腾工况下临界热流密度(CHF)发生情况。
It was complicated to solve the N-S equation about the flow in the numerical computation. 流体N-S方程求解是数值计算中较为复杂的一种。
Departure from either of these conditions leads to mathematical problems of which there may be no general methods of solution apart from numerical computation. 缺少这两个条件的任何一个所导致的数学问题,除数字计算外没有一般的求解方法。
Numerical Computation and Characteristic Analysis of Fire Whirl under Different Wind Speed 基于不同风速下火旋风的数值计算及特性分析
For example, if we wanted to do some long-running numerical computation we could do this 举例来说,如果我们想要进行长时间运行的数值计算,我们可以这样做
Study of Numerical Computation of Some Scattering Problems with Optimal Perfectly Matched Layer Technique 某些散射问题数值计算的优化PML技术研究
As usual, the numerical computation of structural reanalysis is the main task in the optimal procedure of the structures. 在结构优化设计过程中,结构重分析的数值计算常常是主要的工作量。
Logarithms were invented to shorten the work of extended numerical computation. 人们发明对数来缩短运算冗长的数值计算工作。
The asymmetrical slippage grid technique, the numerical computation, the moving model test, and the full-scale train test for air pressure pulse from trains passing each other are introduced. 讨论了列车交会空气压力波数值计算方法、动模型及在线实车试验技术,论述了非对称滑移网格技术。
Numerical Computation of Bessel Function for Complex Arguments 第一、二类复宗量贝塞尔函数的数值计算方法
The abecedarian numerical computation shows that the new algorithm is more effective than the primary simplex algorithm. 初步数值结果表明新算法比传统方法更为有效。
Then the steady-state mathematical model is analyzed by means of numerical computation method, some important advantages of CCC-HVDC systems are revealed vis-a-vis that of LCC based on HVDC system. 采用数值计算方法对CCC结构直流系统的稳态数学模型进行了详尽的分析,并与电网换相换流器结构直流系统进行了具体的比较,揭示了CCC结构直流输电系统的一些重要上风。
These conclusions could be referred to for future cartilage modeling and numerical computation and thus laying a foundation for the design and computation of artificial joint. 这些结论可以为今后的软骨建模和数值计算提供参考,为人工关节的设计和计算奠定基础。
Numerical computation of solid rocket motor insulation layer temperature by finite element method 固体火箭发动机绝热层温度场的有限元计算方法
On the other hand, the stability and precision of numerical computation are the chief concerned matters in single kinetic issues, which undoubtedly reduce the computation speed. 另一方面,纯力学问题中数值计算的稳定性和精度是首要问题,这无疑会影响到算法的效率。